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"Nothing in the whole world felt as good as being able to make something from a sudden idea."―Beverly Cleary
"She was not a slowpoke grownup. She was a girl who could not wait. Life was so interesting she had to find out what happened next."―Ramona the Pest by Beverly Cleary
"If you don't see the book you want on the shelves, write it."―Beverly Cleary
about beverly cleary

Beverly Cleary’s books have earned her many prestigious awards. In honor of her achievements, she’s been named a Living Legend by the Library of Congress.
Of most importance to Beverly Cleary, her books have won more than thirty-five statewide awards based on the votes of her young readers. Her characters, including Henry Huggins, Beezus and Ramona Quimby, Ellen Tebbits, and Otis Spofford, as well as Ribsy, Socks, and Ralph S. Mouse, have delighted children for generations.